Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 (2 Months)


Alex is 2 months old! Wow how time flies when you have a 2 year old and 2 month old!

Over the past month Alex continued to be a rather sleepy baby. While he is awake for a couple hours at a time now he still takes long, solid naps. Most mornings he sleeps for a straight 3 hours while Andrew and Mommy go to the library, grocery store, park, or just play around the house.

Alex now likes getting his diaper changed. Not the actual changing the diaper part, but he enjoys laying on his changing table and giving Mommy sweet smiles.

Poor Alex has been battling thrush, a yeast infection in his mouth, and a possibly related diaper rash for the past couple weeks. Here's to naked butt time!

Alex likes his Nuk! He takes it well when he is fussing and it usually calms and soothes him. Sometimes he will wake crying and fall back to sleep instantly if given his nuk.

Alex is very calm but alert when in the bath tub.

Alex has clogged tear ducts which cause his eyes to be watery and gunky a lot of  the time. Sometimes he will wake up and his eyes will be crusted shut. He does not appreciate Mommy's efforts to clean them with a warm wash cloth.

Alex continues to get lots of love and attention from his big brother Andrew.

Alex like most babies loves to be held. He gets into moods where he will cry when put down and then be instantly happy when picked back up.

Alex travelled like a champ during our 5 hour car ride to visit family in Michigan. While in the car he slept most of the time and when awake he was mostly content and relaxed. Amazingly there was very little crying.