Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 8, 2014 (7 Months)

Taking Alex's monthly picture is getting much more difficult now that he is so mobile!

Alex is crawling!!! He did his first couple crawls on Halloween night and within a week he could crawl across the room. The best way to entice him to get moving is to try and fold a load of laundry on the other side of the room.

For Halloween Alex was a penguin and he also wore the dinosaur costume that Andrew wore on his first Halloween. It was a cold night but Alex was a trooper trick or treating with his big brother.

Alex likes to exercise, he does a lot of "planks" and his favorite yoga pose is "downward dog."

Alex loves to be outside and had fun playing in the leaves!

Alex is continuing to do well with solid foods. His menu now contains broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, avocado, carrots, banana, peas, spinach, potatoes, apple, pear, cantaloupe, yogurt. We haven't found anything that he doesn't like yet and are looking forward to trying new foods and more complex combinations.

Changing Alex's diaper is becoming increasingly challenging as he tries to roll, push off, kick his feet, eat his toes, and just in general squirm. Usually it is with a smile on his face and lots of giggles, he is lucky he is so cute!

Alex can sit himself up now and also likes to practice standing and leaning against things.

Alex has very inconsistent sleep habits. His naps range from half an hour to three hours. On good nights he will wake only once to eat and go back to sleep until 6am. Other nights we will wake two or three times or get up for the day at 4am. We are blaming the time change!

Alex has adjusted to sleeping unswaddled; a lot of times he falls asleep while feeding but when he is put down awake he usually is able to put himself to sleep.

Alex is a really happy guy, it is easy to make him smile and giggle just by smiling at him and making faces. He is also really ticklish!