Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 8, 2015 (11 Months)

Alex is 11 months old! It is ridiculous how quickly the months pass, I wish I could slow time down!!!
Alex continues to be a really good natured, content, easily entertained, and happy baby. He loves to be held and gives great big bear hugs and slobbery open mouthed kisses.
Alex is a super fast crawler, climbs stairs quickly, pulls himself up to standing on just about anything, walks along furniture like a pro, and walks behind push toys well although he hasn't figured out how to steer yet. He is yet to let go an stand on his own yet or try to take a step on his own.
Alex enjoys sensory play with oats, he likes to pick up a handful of oats and watch as they fall through his fingers. He also likes to pick up individual oats and inspect them closely.
We built a fort with tables and blankets and Alex had tons of fun crawling through with the big kids and playing peek a boo.
Alex loves playing in boxes or trying to do just about anything his big brother is doing.
Alex had a blast crawling through our balloon filled living room on Andrew's birthday.
Alex now has 3 teeth through including his bottom two middle and top middle right. The other 3 center teeth on top are all coming in at once. Teething has not been easy on him and there have been many rough nights. We are all hoping for relief soon!
Alex is looking more and more like his daddy everyday! Such handsome boys! :)