Friday, July 10, 2015

July 8, 2015 (1 Year, 3 Months)

Alex is a walker! He is still a little wobbly at times but he is walking the majority of the time and getting more confident every day.

Alex enjoyed our neighborhood Fourth of July Celebration which included watching Andrew run in the kid race, riding in the bike parade, playing in the toddler fun zone, and eating ice cream.

Alex is able to take either a morning nap and and afternoon nap or one long afternoon nap.

Alex's word of the month is more, pronounced "moh!"

Alex loves to take baths! He gets so excited when he sees the bathtub filling up and tries to climb in with his clothes on!

Alex loves to play at the beach in the sand. He happily scoops the sand into piles, buckets, trucks, and his mouth.

Alex enjoyed visiting the zoo, his favorite animals were the seals and prairie dogs.

Alex loves being outside! He tries to go outside when he sees the door open and when its time to come back inside he often is really sad and cries.

Alex loves to play with his big brother Andrew. Andrew still gets frustrated when Alex takes his toys, messes up his game, smashes his sand piles, or knocks over his tower, etc but they are playing together more and more as Alex gets bigger and are really becoming buddies.