Thursday, May 8, 2014

Welcome Baby Alex! May 8, 2014 (1 Month)

Introducing.....Alexander Daniel Meise

Alex was born on Tuesday, April 8 at 3:39am at Meriter Hospital. He was 6lbs 9oz, 19.5 inches long.

I began having contractions 10 minutes apart at 8pm. After my water broke at 10:30pm labor began progressing more quickly with strong contractions coming 5 minutes apart. I was already 5cm dilated upon arrival to the hospital and was ready to push by 3am. After half an hour of pushing, Alex's heart rate began to drop. After monitoring it for a couple minutes it was decided that we needed to use the vacuum to help him get out quickly and not risk his heart rate dropping any lower. So, with a little assistance Alex entered the world at 3:39am and Mommy and Daddy couldn't be happier!

We think he has his mommy's ears and his daddy's chin. He has some thin dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and the cutest nose you ever saw.

Alex is a sleepy baby! The first couple weeks he would only wake up a couple times per day for brief periods up to half an hour. It's hard being born!

He has now settled into a general routine of being awake for 2-3 hours each morning and evening. Throughout the night and middle of the day he mostly sleeps but does wake up every 2-3 hours to nurse.

Alex hates having his diaper changed and usually cries loudly until it is over, often falling asleep the instant his clothes are back on.

At his 2 week checkup Alex had already gained a pound.

Alex's first holiday was Easter. On Easter Saturday we went to a couple local egg hunts during which he slept in the baby carrier. On Easter Sunday he found a basket from the Easter bunny with a stuffed animal lamb and sensory book about spring then we went to church and had lunch with family in Baraboo.

Alex doesn't mind tummy time and will lay there looking in his little mirror for up to 20 minutes. He doesn't always put much effort into lifting his head or doing pushups but his neck is getting noticeably stronger.

Alex sleeps swaddled in his bassinet at night. During the day he naps on mom, in his infant rocker or in his rock n play. He looks tiny in his crib.


Alex gets lots of attention from his big brother Andrew who likes to hold him, bring him toys, and lay by him during floor time.


 It's hard to believe that Alex is already one month old! He is a realy sweet, snuggly, easy going baby who has fit seamlessly into our family. I am excited to watch him grow!


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