Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015 (9 Months)

Alex is 9 months old!

Alex has mastered the art of cruising along furniture and is now working on climbing the stairs. He can make it up about 4 steps before he starts to fall backward, tries to turn around, or gives up and sits down.

Alex has a turtle night light that sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as he falls asleep. I knew he liked it but didn’t realize how much until I found him using it as a pillow one nap.

Alex loves to play, he gets a huge kick out of playing Peek-A-Boo especially with his big brother. He also really loves to be chased and crawls as fast as he can giggling all the way.
Alex absolutely loves bath time. If he is ever having a fussy night all we have to do is give him a bath; he cheers up as soon as he sees us filling the tub. He splashes around happily and especially loves running water and bubbles.

Poor Alex caught the stomach bug that made its way around our entire household over Christmas. We tried to make the most of it and still opened presents but the poor thing wasn't overly excited about it. Some highlights of his gifts included a picnic set, a toy phone, a lullabye teddy bear, and soft play food.

Alex's menu now features finger foods including puffs, peas, cheese, tofu, avocado, banana slices, berries, and bread. He happily feeds himself while the rest of us eat our dinner.

Alex has become quite a little Mama's boy and has started to experience some separation anxiety when Mommy leaves the room. He loves to be held and snuggled.

Alex still only has his 2 bottom center teeth but his top left lateral incisor is working on poking through.

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