Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 9, 2015 (1 Year, 5 Months)

Alex is a climber! He can climb up just about anything- couches, chairs, coffee tables, the dining room table, stairs, jungle gyms. He also loves to go down slides.

Alex's has really been working his motor skills. He is fascinated by buckles, interlocking train track pieces, legos, blocks, and shape sorters.

Alex loves to go for walks especially in nature. He often stops to look at bugs, sticks, rocks, or anything else on the ground.

Alex thinks that all doors need to be shut at all times. He hold on to the side of the door to pull it most of the way shut then stands on his tippy toes to reach the handle and slowly back up to close it the rest of the way. When it is done he turns around with a big proud smile.

Alex had a blast picking apples at the orchard. He loves to eat apples and would eat the core if you let him. In fact, taking the core away from him usually leads to a tantrum.

Alex still only says a handful of words, his vocabulary now includes, "Mama," "Dadda," "Uh-oh," and "Go." He also waves regularly now, he twists his wrist around and waves from his elbow.

Alex LOVES to play in the sandbox. He will sit in the sandbox by himself and play happily for up to half an hour!

Alex has learned some bad habits from his brother including pushing and hitting.

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