Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 8, 2016 (2 years, 2 months)

Alex has grown so much since his last blog post! He is talking so much now putting 3-4 words together and repeating just about everything. He is still an easy going kid for the most part but has started to find his own voice-or should I say scream-that he uses when he needs help, is very unhappy about something, or is bored at the table. He has become more possessive of his parents calling us MY Mommy and MY Daddy. Alex is becoming more independent, wanting to do more things for himself like put on his shoes and buckle his car seat.

Alex loved playing in the snow this winter and was always asking to go outside. Convincing him to keep his mittens on was a constant battle though!

Alex had a construction themed birthday party for his second birthday complete with a dirt cake in a dump truck! He wasn't nearly as excited about the cake as his big brother. When it came time to blow out the candle Andrew got to it first so we had to relight the candle for Alex but he didn't want to blow it out anyway so Andrew got to do it again! He also had a lot of help from his brother when it came time to open his presents but he was more than happy to share the excitement.


Alex is now sporting a big boy buzz cut, I miss those long locks!

Alex had fun celebrating Easter by coloring eggs, finding his basket, and going to our neighborhood egg hunt. His favorite things in his basket were the chocolate coins and play dough. Unfortunately the egg hunt started with the horn of a fire engine which scared him so he clung to mom and didn't want to find eggs.

Alex loves exploring in nature. He is very curious and stops to check out an interesting bug, stick, or rock. He always insists on walking unlike his brother Andrew who very much prefers to ride in the stroller.

Alex went through a rough patch of not wanting to go to bed and then waking up several times per night but now he is back on track, going to sleep easily for naps and bedtime and sleeping through the night most of the time. He still wakes up pretty early though.

We had fun visiting the Madison Children's Museum. Alex's favorite part by far was the water room, he would have stayed in there all day if it had been an option. He is very curious and loves to explore and see how things work.

Alex loves to play outside and visit different parks. For Mother's Day we visited Oschner's Park where he loved the tire swing and horse statues. He loves to swing, be chased, and play peek a boo through the play structures.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa's farm is always a great time, both boys just love being outside, exploring, visiting the animals, and getting dirty. Alex was a bit hesitant to sit on the donkey but he stayed on just long enough for us to snap a picture before he wanted OFF!

Alex loves his big brother Andrew and they get along well for the most part. Its fun now that they can really play together. Andrew can be a bit protective of his younger brother!

Sweet corn and brats are two of Alex's favorite foods so he had a great time at Bratfest!

Alex loves chasing around our chickens and could feed them grass through their fence all day long.

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