Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 8, 2014 (3 Months)

Alex has discovered that he has hands, he watches them in awe as they flail in front of his face and he grips tightly to links and other toys.

Alex is not a huge fan of tummy time but he enjoys floor time on his back.

Alex recently started kicking his feet off of each other the way Andrew did when he was a baby.

Alex falls asleep easily when he is at home, we lay him down awake and swaddled and he looks around quitely for a while before drifting off to sleep, generally without making a peep. He usually wakes up quite happy.

Alex has a pretty regular schedule of a 2 2-3 hour naps in the morning and middle of the day and a shorter half hour or so late afternoon nap. He sleeps well most nights waking only once or twice to eat and then fall easily back to sleep.

Alex loves to go for stroller rides around the neighborhood.

Alex is still battling thrush, it has mostly cleared up but there are a couple stubborn small white spots on the inside of his cheek. Thankfully his diaper rash has cleared up so he has been sporting his awesome cloth diapers.

Alex is usually a content baby but tends to get fussy whenever Mommy is trying to eat so usually Daddy has to hold him while eating dinner.


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