Friday, August 8, 2014

August 8, 2014 (4 Months)

Its hard to believe Alex is already 4 months old! Then again its hard to remember life without him! :) He is such a sweet, happy, quiet, snuggley baby.

Alex loves to stand up, his legs are still a bit wobbly but he locks his knees and looks at you with the proudest little smile on his face.

Alex still has one clogged tear duct on his left side and he is still battling a mild case of thrush. He also has a little stuffy/runny nose but none of that seems to be dampering his spirit.

Alex is starting to actually enjoy tummy time for small periods. His neck is getting strong so he can look up and around at all his toys.

If Alex is fussy, taking him outside always cheers him up! He loves to be outdoors sitting in his chair, going for a walk, swinging at the park.

Although it is a bit early we are questioning if Alex might be teething already, he is always trying to eat his fingers and see how far they can fit into his mouth.

Alex also enjoys bath time, it is another sure fire way to make him happy. Although he doesn't always love getting out of the bath.

Alex regulary takes a 2 hour morning nap, a 2 hour middle of the day nap, and a half hour late afternoon nap. He has been waking up usually 2 times to eat at night.

Alex struggles to take naps away from his crib and swaddle blanket. He used to nap on the go very easily but now he will barely even fall asleep in the car.


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