Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 8, 2014 (5 Months)

At 5 months Alex is a very happy and content baby!

Alex is a quiet observer most of the time but is starting to find his voice.  He is full of smiles and giggles, he especially delights in silly faces and voices and being held above your head.

Alex has finally won the battle with thrush and his clogged tear duct has resolved itself! Life is good!!!

Alex now really enjoys floor time and is getting quite strong.Whenever he is placed down on his back he immediately rolls over to his tummy and does a push up. He rolls all over the place and can scoot himself forward by pulling with his arms and pushing off with his feet.

We took Alex swimming a couple times last month but he was pretty indifferent about it. He wasn't fussy but not really happy either, just kind of took it all in quietly.

Alex went on his first camping adventure at Pride of America campground. He did great and really seemed to enjoy all the outside time.

Alex went through a rough patch where he was waking up 2-4 times every night but *fingers crossed* he seems to be back on track waking to eat only once a night around 3am.

Alex continues to like bathtime and has now taken a couple baths in the tub with his big brother who likes to help wash his hair and pour water on him.


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