Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015 (1 Year!!!)

Alex is one year old today!!!  I'm torn between thinking the past year flew by and also not being able to remember life without Alex. His favorite part of his birthday so far has been playing with balloons but then again he hasn't had his cake yet!

For Easter, Alex tagged along to a couple egg hunts and had his picture taken somewhat reluctantly with the Easter bunny. He napped through Sunday morning Easter service then enjoyed spending the day with family. The day wrapped up with finding a surprise basket filled with goodies, his favorite of which was his stuffed frog and first words book.

Alex is a master climber and creatively uses laundry baskets and boxes as stools to get up on dining room chairs and the couch.

Alex loves being outside, he crawls around in the yard exploring and especially likes playing with sticks, swinging, climbing in the sand box, and eating mud.

Alex loves to be bounced, twirled, and tossed in the air. He is able to climb onto his bouncing zebra by himself and hold on now, he can really get bouncing!

Some of Alex's favorite things to do include going down slides, brushing his teeth, climbing, pulling books off the book shelf, emptying the clothes in his dresser drawers, taking the dvds out of their drawer, and getting into the kitchen cabinets.

Alex is a very happy and easy going baby. He loves to smile and giggle and is very quiet and observant when we are out and about.

 Alex is a big eater. Some of his favorite foods are any fruit, cheerios, bread, broccoli, yogurt, and tator tot casserole.

Alex has zero interest in standing or walking on his own but is a very speedy crawler and can walk well when holding on to furniture or your hand.

Alex has 5 teeth (3 on top, 2 on bottom) Teething has been rough for him with many long nights and lots of drool, swollen gums, and fussiness.

Alex has only slept all the way through the night once. On good nights he only wakes one time to eat and sleeps in until 6am, on rough nights he wakes 3+times for his nuk, once for a feeding, and gets up at 5am.

Alex has a really cute scowl that he uses whenever he gets told no or talked to in a stern voice, he nods his head down and then looks up at you through furrowed eye brows.

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