Monday, May 11, 2015

May 8, 2015 (1 Year, 1 Month)

Alex had lots of family and friends over to help celebrate his birthday. Sadly he wasn't feeling the best between teething, recovering from 1 year shots, and having a diaper rash because it turns out he is sensitive to pears. Still he enjoyed saying hi to everyone and having some birthday cake before going down for a nap.

Alex is finding his voice! While the only words he says are "ma ma" and "da da" he tries to say "buh bye" and has become very vocal especially during stroller rides for some reason.

Alex has figured out how to clap and wave although he usually won't do his tricks on demand.

Alex had his one year photos taken by the River Walk in Baraboo. He did a great job and we got some super cute ones! He loved the pine cones that were scattered all over the ground.

Alex has developed a very serious scowl that he uses it mainly when he is told "no" or when someone he doesn't know talks to or holds him. He still doesn't cry or fuss much but if looks could kill...

Alex loves to eat and we still haven't found anything he doesn't like. Lately he has been a bottomless pit and keeps eating until we finally have to cut him off. Must be a growth spurt!

Alex will now stand on his own for a few seconds but still has no interest in walking. Instead he continues to hone his climbing skills which are getting quite impressive. The other day I turned around to find him sitting on top of the dining room table.

Alex loves our chickens, he likes to watch them and try to catch them. Once in a while they actually let him pet them for a second before rushing off to safety.

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