Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015 (1 Year, 2 months)

Over the past couple week Alex started to show interest in walking, first by standing himself up in the middle of the room over and over then he started quickly taking a couple steps walking as fast as he can before he falls over. He is still working on his balance but he can now walk across a room. His persistence is adorable as is his huge proud smile.

Alex loves sensory play of any kind-playing in the mud, painting in the bathtub, the messier the better!

Alex learned a new word this month! He now can say Mama, Dadda, and Uh-Oh!

Keeping Alex off the kitchen table is becoming a full time job, every time he sees the chance to climb up he goes for it and he is quick!

Alex still loves to eat but his appetite has started to slow down a little bit. When Alex is all done eating he likes to throw his food on the floor.

Alex loves to play in the woodchips at the park. The swing and slides are ok too.

Alex is now up to 9 teeth. Teething is still a battle, poor thing!

Alex had a blast at his first Brewer's game. He even made an appearance on the Jumbotron!

Alex is still our little snuggler and loves to be held especially during naps when he is teething. Daddy doesn't mind.

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